rappaccini's offspring
We live in poisoned times with spaces still for joy and thought. Pandemic work.
top: rappaccini's offspring (detail), paper pulp, synthetic “diamonds”, synthetic “pearls”, wire, plastic gold pirate coins, tape, sculptamold,
DAR air-drying polymer, graphite, paper, 2022
middle top: selection of pieces from baker’s dozen+ (problems): paper pulp, sculptamold, stones found near my house, graphite, wood, acrylic paint, 2021
middle bottom: very rude choir (rock band), paper pulp, wire, wire mesh, acrylic paint, hair extension, rhinestones, colored “diamonds”,
plastic funnels, plastic chain, paper, pyrite, 2021
bottom: more pieces from pieces from baker’s dozen+ (problems):
above: feral hope, paper pulp, paint, wire, graphite, glitter, rhinestones, plastic gold pirate coin, 2020