lighting the elements - current work

above: 5 days, silence, and dreams, vinyl, feathers, wood, audio tape*, plastic, wigs, astroturf, pinecone, rhinestones, paperpulp, stars cut from a flag, clamps, photographs of a drying and decaying squash from a series of 400+ images shot over 5 days in mid October 2023 in response to local and world events. 2024
*the audio tape contains recordings of my breathing and ambient sounds but is otherwise silent
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.
- Emily Dickinson
Anger is an energy
- Johnny Rotten
Sometimes we are silenced. Sometimes we become stars
- Georgina Lewis

top: left: chains made from the earth of my places of being, Sculptamold, earth, sequins, rubber, astroturf. 2023
middle: left: Mold Study 7, digital print on Canson Platine paper, 2023
right: Mold Study 6, digital print on Canson Platine paper, 2023
bottom: untitled, in progress series, sculptamold, glitter, plastic, paint, 2024